Hangzhou Trifanz Medical Device Co., Ltd

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Ventilator Circuit
Ventilator Circuit
Product Category: Anesthesia & breathing circuit
view: 9373 

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Breathing circuits suit your need in a variety of applications.
We carry different sizes and types of breathing circuits including both adult and pediatric sizes, regular or expandable tubings, which offer flexibility and convenience in complex clinical settings.

Disposable Ventilator Breathing Circuit establish the artificial airway to transmit the anesthesia gas.
Scope of application:Use with the anesthesia device,aspirator,moistener and moist sprayer
Brief Introduction:    
The product is composed of respiratory tube, change over joint, connecting joint and connecting valve. Optional components: right-angle connector, adapter tube, regulating valve, oxygen tube, water collecting cup, breathing sack, mask and filter. 
Supply anesthetic gas or oxygen through tube.
Intended use:
As the passage for the medical gases into the patient's body, such as anesthetic gas, oxygen, etc.
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REF NumberDescription
BC-A-16C1.6 meter, Adult corrugated circuit
BC-A-16E1.6 meter, Adult expandable circuit
BC-A-10C1.0 meter, Adult corrugated circuit
BC-P-10C1.0 meter, Pediatric corrugated circuit
BC-P-10C21.0 meter, Adult corrugated circuit,with 3L breathing bag